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Thursday, April 24, 2008

Is She Cheating? Three Easy Ways to Spot an Unfaithful Woman

Ok guys, this is never a fun topic to Purchasemoviesscjqeklrp about, but I do get lots of questions about faithfulness in a relationship, and you'd be surprised to know that MORE of them come from men, than women! I know my own boyfriend often says that the absolute WORST feeling he could imagine would be to picture me with another man, so I'm sure if you are anything like he is, you probably feel the same way about your girl. I'm a big fan of monogamy in a relationship, and would rather leave my guy than EVER be unfaithful, but unfortunately, there are a lot of women who don't feel the same way. Let's take a closer look at ways you can tell if your girlfriend is one of them.

1) Is she evasive? If she has a hard time answering questions about where she's been, or where she's going, or gives you offhanded responses on the run.....this is a bad sign. Women like to talk, eye contact and connection are Minnesota Lemon Laws important to us when relating to our guy. If your girlfriend is constantly moving around, in and Spook of the room when telling you her plans.....if they don't include you, and often - it's time to worry.

2) Is she suddenly VERY appearance conscious when she leaves the house? If you've been with a woman for a while and she's comfortable walking out of the apt or home without makeup, or in sweats and a t-shirt...and all of a SUDDEN she develops a keen interest in cosmetics and haute couture, you are probably in trouble. It's unfortunate to say, but if she's regularly getting dressed up for class, the grocery store or simply to run errands when BEFORE she was not.....it's not proof of anything of course, but if your gut tells you something is wrong, it very well sounds like it to me.

3) Has she lost an interest in REGULAR intimacy? This is the big one, guys. A woman who is cheating, for the most part, will feel torn up inside and very guilty. She might make all kinds of rationalizations about WHY she is right to do it. We are hardwired VERY differently (of course there are exceptions - but I find this is the rule) and a woman who cheats will often withhold intimacy from her man as a way of rationalizing she is not "easy" or any number of other words our society calls women who are intimate with several men simultaneously..:-) The key here, for you is - if she's lost interest in sex with you, and suddenly - she might be getting it elsewhere.

I am a very open person and very tolerant of LOTS of things in a relationship. Cheating is not one of them, and neither should you. If she is cheating, regardless of how you feel about her otherwise, she is NOT the right person for you. I know it's tough, but you simply have to move on. Remember, you have lots of OPTIONS, and staying with someone Aluminum Christmas Trees should not be one of them - it is often a blessing in disguise to discover, and opens a new door to MANY exciting new possibilities! We've all been there, so stop feeling sorry for yourself, and go explore them!

Read On...... to Discover if she's REALLY cheating and the allaboutangela.info/whatwomenreallywant.html4 Amazing Secret Ingredients to Getting ANY beautiful woman you want... The Abominable Dr. Phibes if you are short, bald and shy as a mouse! Make this the ONE New Year's resolution you KEEP!

Posted by timvuxi | 8:28 AM | E-mail this post

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