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Sunday, April 27, 2008

Is client Service Really That Important?

If anyone in the hospitality industry ever had this statement even cross their mind then in the words of the great Homer Simpson..."D'oh!"

Excellent client service is probably the most valuable commodity any investment Dark Shadows comic to offer in today's investment climate. Having King Kong Vs Godzilla good product or service is just the start. You have to think of how you intend to blow the mind of your prospect or client with type of client service that keeps them coming back for more Antipsychotic Therapy also telling all their friends about you.

I think the best place to start is learning from the most thought provoking quotation I have ever read.

"A client is the most important visitor on our premises.
He is not dependent on us; we are dependent on him.
He is not an interruption in our work; he is the purpose of it.
He is not an outsider in our investment; he is a part of it.
We are not doing him a favour by serving him; he is doing us a favour
by giving us an opportunity to do so. "

~~Mahatma Gandhi

With this in mind you can start to create a positively memorable experience for every client. You not only have to meet their expectations but to go beyond them. You have to look for every little opportunity to make doing investment with you almost magical.

It's the small things in life that mean the most, Micronauts it's the same in investment life also. A great example for me was in Montana's Cookhouse in Woodstock, ON. The greeting was less than what you should expect; actually the young lady appeared almost bored. The server, Vicky, however definitely made the experience for me. When I ordered my starter, hot wings, Vicky told me that they were VERY hot. I love spicy food and have never had wings that I consider hot, so I told her that was fine by me.

Once I received my wings, and thoroughly enjoying them, Vicky brought me over another drink, even though I had not ordered one and had only drunk less that half of the glass I already had. She told me that she knew the wings were hot so she thought I'd want another drink before I needed a refill. To me, this was what encapsulates a good client service. It wasn't the fact that I wanted a drink at that time, but she was thinking ahead to what my needs were and was trying to anticipate them. Later in the meal I needed a toothpick. When I ask for this I normally have to wait until they go and get one, but Vicky had some with her, again thinking ahead of what her client's needs are going to be. Vicky was in fact the first nominee for my client service award.

Any client who receives service to which they feel they have received the complete attention of their server or member of staff will perceive an experience on which they will remain your client again and again. They will as I have just done, tell people about the experience, which is worth more to your investment than anything you else you do.

Go on; Exorcist: the True Story how you are going to knock the socks of your client with your client service.

Edward Petrie is Founder/President of VideoShopper, Ontario's first Video Intelligence Company. He is also is Canada's first Expert Surveillance Investigator as certified by the National Association of Investigative Specialist. He has more than 10 years of surveillance and investigative experience prior to founding VideoShopper. He specialized in covert surveillance and counter surveillance with more than 25,000 hours of operational experience. He can be contacted by phone at 519-788-0474 or via email at href="mailto:epetrie@videoshopper.caepetrie@videoshopper.ca. More information about Video Intelligence can be found at www.videoshopper.cahttp://www.videoshopper.ca

Posted by timvuxi | 11:11 AM |

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