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Friday, May 9, 2008

Viking Hidden History Stonehenge - Part 9


During the Archies Megalithic Culture gigantic circles Acomplia - 30 pills @ 20mg each! stones appeared. They are found on the islands and coast lands of North Western Europe. They are also found on the Joy To The World Islands and North Africa.

The stones were erected in the shape of concentric circles and spiral patterns.

In Germany they are called 'Trojaburgen' or 'Walburger'. In England they were known as 'Troy, Towns.' In Sweden they were known as 'Trojeberg' or 'Trelleborg.'

Many believe they are ancient Sun Temples. Every where these ancient sites are found sacred dances, depicting the Earths orbit around the Sun, have been preserved. that dance is told in stories and customs of the Swedes, Danes, North Germans and English.

Perhaps the most famous of these Stone Sites is Stonehenge in Southern England. It was built in three phases. Phase one was only a circular bank and ditch. Phase two was the erection of two concentric rings of 'bluestones.'

In phase three, Stonehenge was completely rebuilt.

There is a great deal of Archaeological evidence that in 1500 BC, colonists from Jutland (Vikings) inhabited a large part of England. Many graves turn up Viking battle axes,as well as lancet-shaped flint daggers, pottery and amber. These all came from Jutland. Viking Bronze swords were very popular in England at that time as well.

The rebuilding of StoneHenge was done by the colonists of Jutland about 1500BC. The bluestones were moved away and a hole marked the center of the site.A circle of 29.5 meters was measured and thirty stones were erected upright. Holes were dug so that the tops were even. Lintels were placed across the top of the stones. that formed a closed ring. The bulestones were re-erected where they remain today.

Outside the outer circle stands the 'Heel Stone.' The Sun rises over the 'Heel Stone' on the longest day of the year, the Summer Solstice.

May historians suppose that Stonehenge is the temple of the Hyperborians. These were people who lived far to the North, beyond the point where the North wind (Boreas) blows. These were our Viking, or Nosemen, ancestors.

In Hyperbonia there were 'Troy Towns,' stones placed in concentric circles.

In the Prose Edda the greatest 'Troy Town' on the Northern Gods/Goddesses is called 'Asgard.' The temple of the Hyperborians and Asgard were built as 'Troy Towns.'

In the land of the Hyperborians is the Cimbrian Peninsula called Jutland.

Since StoneHenge in England was most likely reconstructed by the Hyperborians (colonists from Jutland) in 1500 BC, they would have naturally have modeled it after the temple of thier homeland.

In Nordic culture there are many designs worked on Ritual Stones or Bronze that are identical with the stone circles.

What Plato describes as the holiest shrine of the Atlanteans, is in Walberg, surrounded by regularly video games circles. Plato said that Walbergern or 'Troy Towns' were ancient "Sun Temples."

Our ancestors, the Vikings, the Hyperborians, the North Sea People, the Northern European people, the Nordic-Germanic races shed light wisdom and culture through out the world. We have evidence dating as far back as 1500 BC that that is true. Why have the the North Men, been reduced by historians to drunken, debauched marauders? Why has the real story not been shouted from the roof tops?

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Posted by timvuxi | 4:26 AM |

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