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Saturday, May 3, 2008

Words That Help You To Understand People (And Yourself)

Among the most important words for a successful vocabulary are words about everyday psychology, about why people think and act as they do. We must influence people if we are to be successful. But our ability to influence people depends a great deal on King of the Hill DVD well we understand them.

There was a time when it was believed that only those born with a special "knack" could ever understand people. Now psychology enables any intelligent person to understand others.

We have selected only those psychological words that will be highly useful to Louisiana Lemon Laws in your career, social, and family contacts. By mastering the exact meanings of these words you will have taken a brief course in basic, practical psychology. That is one of the wonderful dividends of building a vocabulary of what we call the "success words".

How to keep a vocabulary notebook

In your day to day reading let each important word that is new to you be a challenge to master its meaning. To meet this challenge successfully you should keep a vocabulary notebook. Here is the technique of using such a notebook with top efficiency.

A small pocket-size notebook has the advantage of portability. You can often carry it with you for spare moment study on buses, while waiting for appointments, etc. With this notebook you will need three vocabulary building tools: a pocket-sized dictionary, a good home dictionary), and a book of synonyms.

Look up each important new word in your collegiate Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas Is it defined in words that are readily understandable to you? If so, Fantastic Four it in your notebook.

On the other hand, if some of the words in the definition are unfamiliar to you, don't start looking them up too. Turn to your pocket-sized dictionary and copy its definition of the important word. After you have mastered the word you can decide if it is useful enough to warrant looking up in a larger dictionary. The point is that in learning a new word, you need a definition that you can understand without further reference to the dictionary.

After you have written the definition in your notebook, write the sentence in which the word was used. This helps to impress the word on your memory.You will have to review these words several times to master them. So be Bigfoot video to mark the date of each notebook entry. The dates will remind you not to delay your review work too long.

The meanings of many words have shadings that can only be understood and appreciated by reference to a book of synonyms. Unless you have ample time, it is impractical to look up every word in a book of synonyms. But at least look up the words that you consider being valuable. Copy their shadings in your notebook.

Unless you have a vocabulary notebook, you will find that the definitions of many new words slip away from you soon after you look them up. So get the notebook habit. Let it be your bankbook of words.

To make it as easy as possible for you to master-not just read about-the Words that Win Success and Popularity, we have used the most successful teaching methods of the colleges, high schools, and adult education schools that teach vocabulary building. Each chapter includes several word games, plus a discussion of the words. These games are fun, and they carry out the prime discovery of modern education: that you learn best by doing.

So get a pencil ready! Read more about The 7 Day Success at: http://www.fightyourfears.com">http://www.fightyourfears.com

Posted by timvuxi | 11:41 AM | E-mail this post

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